Take Action Today Take Our Survey!
In order to collect data to show relevance and usage of the Hiding in Plain Sight (HIPS) curriculum, we are requesting that educators and their students fill out a post survey. Either option for surveys is valuable and helps gain insight to educator and student thoughts on the HIPS curriculum.
Surveys can be complete in one of two ways:
If you will be teaching most or all of the HIPS lessons, the first activity of the Post Lesson (Lesson 26) is completing a survey that does a quick review of each lesson. This may require you as the educator to answer quick questions about the lesson (i.e., “Trauma included the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story, where we looked at how trauma affects everyone differently, as well as creating our own emotional first aid kits to help us in stressful times, and some guided meditation.”) This can be done through a quick review of the lesson plans. This survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. (There are separate, but similar surveys for educators and students.)
If you only teach some of the lessons, it would be easier to complete the survey at the end of each lesson. This would require you to have device/internet access for each student for each lesson. This survey would only cover the lesson taught and would take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete and can be repeated each time you finish a lesson. If you won’t have device/internet access at the end of each lesson, you could do option 1. There is a place for students to mark that they did not participate in a lesson, so the lesson you did not teach can be marked that way by the students while they fill in the answers for the lessons they did participate in during the curriculum.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the applicable surveys.