
Advocacy: (verb), the action of supporting or pleading for a cause or proposal
Advocate:(noun), a person who supports or promotes the interests of a cause or group.
Synonyms: Champion, promoter, upholder, supporter, backer, campaigner, spokesperson, crusader, friend
W2BW Advocacy Opportunities Come in Many Forms
- Empowering teens
- Lobbying for a bill to provide mental health days off just like regular sick days
- Creating an advocacy/legislation toolkit
- Promoting and sharing mental health resources
- Reducing the stigma of mental health
- Starting a conversation
- Joining the W2BW National Student Advisory Council
- Leading in your community
- Collaborating
- Planning a Mental Health Summit
- Encouraging mental health and wellness campaigns
- Implementing the W2BW RoadMap to Wellness

- Listening to, sharing or joining a Talk2BeWell podcast
- Starting a movement in your own community
- Attending a mental health educational conference
- Amplifying social media campaigns
- Following @work2bewell and sharing W2BW stories
- Presenting and/or attending trainings such as ECPR (Emotionally Connect, Partner & Respond)
- Creating an Emotional First Aid Kit
- Sharing curriculum
- Starting a W2BW Club at school or in community or use an existing club to share W2BW resources
- Promoting Wellness Wednesdays
- Seeking support for a friend, family member or yourself
- Positively impacting the emotional well-being of teens/tweens