Crisis Help
Work2BeWell is aware that information on governmental websites related to youth mental health may have been removed or edited. Our mission is to be the trusted source for educational tools and resources, and we strive to create a safe and inclusive place to access mental health and wellness resources. If you access an external link on the Work2BeWell website that is not reflective of our mission, please email:
Need to talk? Contact YouthLine, Teen Line or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline now.
Helpful Organizations and Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): There are 650 NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates across the country. Many NAMI affiliates offer an array of free support and education programs
NAMI Resource Center: Get access to dozens of mental health resources Information on a variety of mental health resources as well as reputable resources for those in need
When to Reach Out for Help Video: From Kati Morton, this video provides guidance if you are unsure about if or when to reach out for help regarding your mental health
CDC Tips for Coping with Stress: Learning healthy ways to cope and getting the right care and support can help reduce stressful feelings and symptoms
99 Coping Strategies Poster: Need even more tips for coping with stress? Download this poster to get 99 ideas
CredibleMind: An online platform that provides curated sets of the highest quality resources for you to explore
Psych Hub: An online platform providing free, engaging videos about mental health, substance use, and suicide prevention
5 Mental Health Apps Worth Your Consideration: There’s no shortage of mobile apps you can download to help you manage anxiety or monitor your state of mind. But how can you choose which one best suits you?
Work2BeWell ECPR Module: Sometimes, it’s helpful to collect wellness resources that help you together in one easily accessible spot. Here is a link to Work2BeWell’s ECPR kit guide, where you can “store” wellness materials that positively benefit you when you are struggling
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Find support for yourself or those who may be at risk for suicide provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.