About Work2BeWell

Work2BeWell is aware that information on governmental websites related to youth mental health may have been removed or edited. Our mission is to be the trusted source for educational tools and resources, and we strive to create a safe and inclusive place to access mental health and wellness resources. If you access an external link on the Work2BeWell website that is not reflective of our mission, please email: support@work2bewell.org

Work2BeWell is a teen-led mental health and wellness program focused on providing mental health resources for teens, educators, and communities. Our goal is to promote wellness across the country, working to normalize the conversation about mental health and reduce the stigma through education.

Work2BeWell is committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all and welcomes participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in mental health conversations like minorities, persons with disabilities, and the LGBTQIA+ community.

Our Vision

That all teens have better mental health support and increased emotional well-being.

Our Mission

To be the trusted source for educational tools and resources to help activate and empower teens, educators, and communities through our curriculum and social media campaigns.

W2BW Activities & Resources

Our Story

Work2BeWell is a direct response to community requested resources after a rise in teen suicides in the Pacific Northwest. Answering the call, former Executive Director of OASC Sara Freauf (Nilles) joined forces with Dr. Robin Henderson and other Providence behavioral health specialists to ask teens a pivotal question: how do you want to transform mental health? Their answers became the vision for Work2BeWell.

Work2BeWell activates students through a student advisory council model and was originally launched students to serve students in Oregon. National attention was garnered after the passing of Oregon House Bill 2191 (O.R. 2191). Students came together to create and advocate for this bill, Giving Oregon Mental Health Days. Now, when students are struggling and experiencing a mental health crisis, they can take a Mental Health Day just as they would take a sick day if they had the flu.

Work2BeWell resources are now available nation-wide to ensure that parents, teens, and educators have access to free, clinically-vetted curriculum and a movement to reduce stigma and amplify teen voices within mental health. We are working to support this same access to resources and advocacy with teens across the country. 

W2BW History