Signs of Anxiety and Depression
Collaborators: Dr. Robin Henderson and Majalise
What are the identifiable signs of anxiety and depression?
Objective: Students will be able to identify signs of anxiety and depression.
Time: 30 minutes
Materials: Power Point, projector, Definition/Checklist One Pager, Poster paper, writing utensils & sticky notes or Padlet as Digital Tool Option.
ICANHELP Activity:
Step One: Students brain dump all information, thoughts, definitions, ideas they have about anxiety and depression on a group poster paper.
- Groups share out.
- Post group generated posters.
Digital Option: Padlet projected on the screen while students enter words and lists?
Share video: What is Anxiety?
Step 2: Teacher shares clinical definitions. Mini Lesson. Model applying checklist to concept listed on the poster. Place the concept in the correct category including a new category “misconceptions”.
Step 3: Show Slide Show
Step 4: Teacher models categorizing a concept from the list. Students then return to groups and take poster and use the checklist to categorize their concepts
- Move misconceptions to a group misconception poster with a sticky.)
- Could use Digital Tool: Padlet to list categories.
Step 5: Gallery Walk: Students leave one group member at the table to “host”. The other tablemates travel to other posters and review their ideas – leave sticky notes for comments. After reviewing all posters, the tablemates return back to their original table and make any changes they have.
Questions: What did you notice about the other posters? What differences did you see on placement? What do you wonder?
IWILLHELP Discussion
- What do you do if you suspect someone has anxiety or depression?
- How do you support someone with anxiety or depression?
- How do you take care of yourself while caring for someone with anxiety or depression?
Use Anxiety & Depression Information Sheet
Follow Up Activity: Using Social Media Template for Twitter, SnapChat, or Instragram – draw a series of five posts for a school wellness campaign. Use #Work2BeWell and create your own # to help raise awareness during a week long school campaign.